IBT Ambala is equipped with great faculty members, smart technologies, and advanced methodologies to help students prepare for competitive exams. IBT is the market leader for providing the best HSSC exam coaching in Ambala for more than a decade. We offer top-notch coaching classes for HSSC exams and other State-Level Exams at affordable prices. Achieve your dream of securing a government job with one of the best competitive exam institutes in Ambala.
IBT Institute organizes special batches to render result-oriented coaching for the following competitive exam:
8 AM - 10 AM
10 AM - 12 PM
12 PM - 2 PM
IBT is the No.1 Coaching Institute in Ambala not only in terms of infrastructure but also in terms of study as well.
Experienced Trainers
IBT Ambala has a team of experienced faculty members who have years of teaching experience.
Bank/SSC Exam Qualified Faculty Members
Online Computer Lab
Our computer lab provides the exact simulation of a real exam. Students can practice for unlimited hours.
Online Lab equipped with Hi-Tech Computers
Life-Time Membership
IBT Ambala offers lifetime membership card facility. Students can enjoy classes till selection.
Life-Time Membership Card to ensure Selection
Mrs. Divya
M.A English
8+ Years of Experience
Mr. Deepak
3+ Years of Experience
Mr. Vishal
5+ Years of Experience
Mr. Sachin
3+ Years of Experience
Mrs. Usha
GS+ Haryana (G.K)
6+ Years of Experience
Highest Selection Rate - For the past few years, IBT has been uplifting selection rates in various competitive exams such as HSSC Police, HSSC Gram Sachiv, HSSC Patwari.
ISO Certified Institute - IBT is an ISO Certified institute working progressively to match the latest education standards. Get the best competitive exam coaching by joining IBT Ambala.
Result Oriented Approach - IBT focus on a result-oriented approach to enlighten the future of the budding youth and guide them to crack competitive exams.
Doubt Clearing Sessions - IBT arranges doubt clearing sessions for the students to grasp a better understanding of every topic.
Monthly Guest Lectures - IBT organizes monthly guest lecturers to inspire and aware students about cracking government exams with quality guidance.
Computer Lab Facility - IBT has well-mechanized computer labs where students can effortlessly practice mock test series on an online platform.
Daily Assignment - IBT provides Daily assignments after the classroom lectures to discuss the topic at length with the students to extend thorough learning.
Weekly Time Table - IBT updates the batch-wise weekly timetable on the official website and shares the same with the students in advance to assist them to attend the classes on time.
11 Years of Experience Or Existence - IBT is running coaching classes for the last eleven years with an outstanding success rate with more than 60 percent of our students qualify various government job exams such as HSSC Police, HSSC Gram Sachiv, HSSC Patwari, etc.
100+ Coaching Centers all over India - IBT has 100+ Coaching Centers all over India which makes it easy for the candidates who wish to relocate at any time to another location. Transfer of center facility is provided to the students to continue the classroom coaching at their respective location.
Free Study Material
IBT provides free study material to all the students. Books kit contains 10-12 books which are updated on a regular basis.
India's Best Selling Study material.
Online Test Series
IBT provides free online test series contains 1000 online tests for banking, ssc, railways & insurance examination.
Tests very close to the Final Examination.
Free Monthly Magazine
IBT provides a free monthly magazine to all the students. The magazine contains current affairs, banking awareness, and mock tests.
Best Magazine for Competitive Exam.
IBT Institute is exhaling in Ambala city offering outstanding coaching for various government exams notified by Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC). Some of the exams conducted by HSSC are HSSC Police-Constable, Sub Inspector, HSSC Gram Sachiv, and HSSC Patwari. Besides these exams, there are numerous government exams that are notified from time to time. IBT has an enormous horizon in the field of competition to extend exam-oriented coaching to the aspirants. IBT is contributing to HSSC Exam Coaching with the continued patronage of highly educated and experienced faculty members for years together.
IBT is powered with the best coaching attributes to provide a student-friendly environment, interactive coaching, frequent doubt sessions, library facility, and many more support systems. With all these attributes IBT has become the first choice for the aspirants of HSSC exams and other government job exams.
Other HSSC Coaching at IBT Ambala is here:
The HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) is devotedly conducting various types of selection procedures to enroll potential candidates in the police department. Haryana police recruitment exam is one of the fields where selection would be done to recruit potential candidates for various positions such as Sub-Inspector and constable. Currently, there are more than six thousand vacancies available for the same. To sit in the chair of sub-inspector and constable candidates are required to clear the whole section process comprising three stages such as Written Test, PST(Physical Screening Test), and PMT(Physical Measurement Test). This exam is always conducted offline in any area present in Haryana.
Check out the below-mentioned exam dates:
Online Registration Starts
January 11th, 2021
Last Date to Apply Online
February 25th, 2021
Admit Card Release
March 2021
Exam Date
March 27th & 28th, 2021
Check out the below-mentioned vacancies for SI and Constable:
Post Name
No. of Vacancy
Male Constable
Female Constable
Sub Inspector (Male)
HSSC Police Constable Exam is conducted every year to recruit Constable for HSSC Haryana Police. The posts lying vacant are notified through an official notification. The selection process is completed in four phases these are:
Knowledge Test
Physical Screening Test
Physical Measurement Test
Document Verification
The overall marks are evaluated giving eighty percent weightage is specified to the Knowledge test.
The exam pattern, physical standard test, and physical measurement test are the same as that of the HSSC Constable exam except for the level of exam in the Knowledge test. The level of the HSSC Sub-Inspector exam will be difficult as it has graduated in the exam. Therefore the questions have graduation level which is crafted for the HSSC SI exam knowledge test.
The candidate should execute the following criteria to be qualified for the Haryana Police Exam. The Eligibility Criteria includes both the posts Constable and Sub- Inspector:
Post Name
Educational Qualification
Age Limits
Male Constable
Candidate Must Pass 10+2 or its equivalent and Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric standard Or higher
18 to 25 years
Female Constable
Sub Inspector (Male)
Candidate Must Pass Graduation From any recognized university or its equivalent. and Hindi/
Sanskrit up to Matric standard Or higher educations.
21 to 27 years
The exam pattern for both posts Constable and SI exam are the same except for the knowledge test. The level of the knowledge test for the HSSC SI exam is difficult which is of Graduation level.
Knowledge Test
The knowledge test is an objective type test with MCQs carrying 80 marks. The difficulty level of the questions is limited to the 12th standard examination of the Haryana Board.
Exam pattern of Knowledge test is given in the tabular form for quick reference:
Name of the section
No. of MCQs
Maximum Duration
General Studies
100 Questions
(each question
carries 0.80 marks)
90 minutes
General Reasoning
General Science
Current Affairs
Mental Aptitude
Numerical Ability
Animal Husbandry
Other relevant fields/trades
Computer (maximum10 questions)
Total Marks: 80 marks
It will not observe Negative Marking for incorrect answers.
The exam will have bilingual medium
The level of the HSSC Constable Examination will be of 12th standard.
Physical Screening Test
Candidates who will qualify for the knowledge test will be called for the physical screening test. It is a qualifying test where the physical fitness and fortitude of candidates will be accessed. The candidates shortlisted for the physical tests will be seven times more than the vacancies notified by HSSC.
The criteria for the Physical Screening Test are given below:
S. No
Category of Candidates
Distance to be covered for the test
Minimum Qualifying Time
2.5 km
12 minutes
1.0 km
6 minutes
1.0 km
5 minutes
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Candidates who have qualified for the physical screening test will undergo the physical measurement test. They need to fulfill the criteria as given below:
The candidates who will qualify for the physical screening test will be given a physical measurement test. It a qualifying stage of the selection process. They have to fulfill the following criteria to qualify at this stage.
Criteria to Qualify PMT
Name of the category
Height Measurement
Chest Measurement
General Categories
170 cm
83 cm (un-expanded) to 87 cms (expanded)
158 cm
Reserve Categories
168 cm
81 cm un-expanded to 85 cms (expanded)
156 cm
Document Verification
The candidates who are going to qualify for all three stages of the selection process will be invited for document verification. Besides giving 80 percent weightage to the knowledge test score, the next 20 percent will be divided as given below:
10 percent weightage will be allocated to the educational qualification of the candidates.
Another 10 percent is kept to enumerate other factors of the candidates relate to the marital status and category reservations as declared by HSSC in the subsequent notification.
Document supporting the above-mentioned candidature of the aspirant must be furnished at the time of verification.
General Knowledge
Books & Authors, Important Dates, Sports, Monuments & Buildings, Appointments, Famous Personalities, Abbreviations, Current Affairs.
Analogies,Coding-Decoding,Verbal and Figure Classification,Directions,Similarities & Differences,Arithmetical Number Series,Space Visualization,Analysis & Judgment,Data SufficiencyProblem-Solving,Relationship Concepts,Decision-Making,Discrimination,Visual Memory,Figural Series,Arithmetical Reasoning.
General Awareness
Indian Polity,History – India & Haryana,Science & technology,Environmental,Geography – India & Haryana,Culture – India & Haryana,Economics- India & Haryana,Information Technology & Space
Numerical Ability
Time and Work, Time and Distance, Partnership, Average, Mensuration, Number System, HCF & LCM, Simplification, Decimals & Fraction, Square roots, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Use of Tables and Graphs, Miscellaneous, etc, Data Sufficiency, etc???
Computer Knowledge
Basics of Computer, Microsoft Office, Software,Memory, Internet
Gram Sachiv exam is conducted by the Haryana staff selection commission. This exam is held to enroll potential candidates who can responsibly maintain all the financial records assigned by the authority, assist in the formation of the village budget, always arrange conferences and meetings for the administration of the village. The pay scale of Gram Sachiv ranges from INR 19,900 to 63,200. Candidates need to clear a written exam and socio-economic criteria and experience to secure a seat in Gram Sachiv. The total marks allotted to these exams are 100 where 90 marks are for written exams and 10 marks for socio-economic criteria.
Online Registration Starts
March 05, 2021
Last Date to Apply Online
March 22, 2021
Admit Card release
To be Notified
Exam Date
To be Notified
HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) has re-opened the positions to enroll 697 potential employees for various gram Sachiv posts in the development and panchayat department of Haryana on their official website. Candidates should be advised to submit their applications before the end date.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Vacancy |
Post Name
Educational Qualification
Gram Sachiv
Graduate from any recognized university or its equivalent
Matric with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects or Higher.
17 to 42 years
Exam Pattern
HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Pattern
Name of the Exam
Maximum Marks
Written Exam
Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience
HSSC Gram Sachiv Written Exam Pattern
The bifurcation of 90 Marks questions can be understood by giving a cursory look at the table given below:
HSSC Gram Sachiv Written Exam Pattern
Name of the Subjects
Weightage and Marks Allotted
Reasoning, Maths, General Awareness, Computer, Science, English, Hindi and applicable subject for the relevant post
75%/ 67-68 Marks
Civics, Environment, Culture, History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, etc. of Haryana
25%/ 22-23 Marks
90 Marks
HSSC Gram Sachiv Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience Pattern
The division of 10 marks of Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience is given below for your reference:
Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience
Marks Allotted
In case any of the contender or any entity from among the applicant’s family unit viz father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a customary member of staff in any Department/ Board/ Statutory Body / Company/ Corporation / Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India
5 Marks
If the candidate is:
(i) A widow; or
(ii) The first or the second child and his father had expired before the age of 42 years: or
(iii) The first or the second child and his father had expired before the candidate had reached the age of 15 years
5 Marks
In case the aspirant is from a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class
5 Marks
0.5 mark will be for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the similar or a higher post in any Department/ Board/ Corporation/ Company/ Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana. No marks shall be granted for any period less than six months.
A maximum of 8 marks
No applicant shall be granted more than 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience under any situation
Total 10 Marks
HSSC conducts Patwari Exam for Posts lying vacant for Patwari in Land Record Department, Haryana. The exam pattern, educational qualification is the same as that of HSSC Gram Sachiv as discussed above. Refer to the above-mentioned details in case you need to appear in HSSC Patwari Exam anytime.
Online Registration Starts
March 08, 2021
Last Date to Apply Online
March 22, 2021
Admit Card Release
To be Notified
Exam Date
To be Notified
A total of 1100 vacancies have been announced for Canal Patwari Posts and a total of 588 vacancies for Patwari.
Canal Patwari
General - 473
SC - 220
BCA - 176
BCB - 121
EWS - 110
General - 254
SC - 104
BCA -100
BCB - 70
EWS - 60
Qualification required to appear for HSSC Patwari 2021
Age Limit for HSSC Patwari 2021
Post Name
Minimum Age
Maximum Age
Haryana Patwari
The paper includes all multiple types of questions.
This paper includes subjects such as Reasoning, Maths, General Awareness, Computer, Hindi, English with 75% of weightage.
Subjects like Literature, History, Current Affairs, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. have 25% of weightage.
General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science,
Computer, English, Hindi, and concerned or relevant subject, as applicable
History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography,
Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. of Haryana
Social Economy Criteria
Analogies, Coding and Decoding, Statement Conclusion, Similarities and differences, Problem-solving, Decision making, Blood Relations, Arithmetic Reasoning, Spatial orientation, Verbal and figure classification, Visual memory, etc.
General Awareness
Geography, History, & Politics of Haryana,General Geography, History, & Politics,Culture & Heritage of India & Haryana,Indian Constitution,Economics, & Social Activities,Parliament and acts,Social Events of Haryana & India Current Events – National & International, etc.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Basic & Uses of Computer, History of Computer, Input & Output Device, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Generations of computer, Internet, LAN, WAN, and Modem, Computer Abbreviations, etc.
Noun, Verb, Tenses, Preposition, Synonym & Antonym, Fill in the Blanks, Error Detection, One-word Substitution, Reading Comprehension, etc.
Seam, Antonym, Idioms, One-word substitution, Hindi Grammar Compound, Synonyms
Average,Ratio and Proportion,Mixture and Allegation,Algebra,Number System,SI & CI,Time, distance & work,Profit, Loss & Discount,Percentage,Trigonometry,Circle and its chords,Linear Equations,Regular Polygons & Quadrilaterals,Standard Identities, etc.
Ques 1. May I Know the educational qualification required for HSSC Constable Post?
Ans. An aspirant must have passed 10+2 Senior secondary from a distinguished School Board or Institution. The candidate must have opted for Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects in the 10th or 12th standard.
Ques 2. What is the age limit for HSSC Constable?
Ans. The minimum age limit for HSSC Constable is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 25 years.
Ques 3. What is the mode of examination for HSSC posts?
Ans. Although the mode of examination is not declared in the recent notification for the HSSC exam it is expected to be in online mode.
Ques 4. Can the aspirants choose the Hindi language to appear in HSSC Exam?
Ans. Yes, aspirants can choose the Hindi language to appear in the HSSC Exam because it is bilingual where Hindi and English medium questions are published.
Ques 5. What is the age limit for an HSSC SI post?
Ans. The minimum age for SI post is 21 years and the maximum age limit is 27 years.
Ques 6. What is the educational qualification for the HSSC SI post?
Ans. The candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university to be eligible for the HSSC SI post.
Ques 7. Where to look for official notification of HSSC Exams?
Ans. One has to visit the official website of HSSC to reach the official website and the link for the application form to register for the exam.
Ques 8. What is the age limit for Patwari?
Ans. The minimum age limit is 21years and the maximum is 37 years of age.
Ques 9. Is there any age relaxation given to the reserved categories in HSSC Exams?
Ans. The age relaxation for reserved categories in HSSC is as prescribed by the authorities. One can refer to the official notification to know the latest updates on the same.
Ques 10. What is the educational qualification required for Patwari?
Ans. The minimum educational qualification required for Patwari is 12th passed from a renowned Board or equivalent institute.
Ques 11. May I know the educational qualification required for Gram Sachiv?
Ans. The minimum educational qualification required for Gram Sachiv is a Graduate from a recognized university.
Ques 12. What is the age limit for HSSC Gram Sachiv?
Ans. The minimum age limit is 17 years and the maximum is 42 years for the HSSC Gram Sachiv post.