Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will release the notification of IBPS SO 2021 on its official website i.e is held at various locations throughout India. The mode of examination is online. According to the calendar released by the IBPS, IBPS SO Prelims Examination will be held on 18th December 2021 & 26th December 2021 and Mains Examination will be held on 30th January 2022.
IBPS SO HR/Personnel Mains Exam Pattern
For the Post of HR/Personnel Officer
Name of Test
Number of Questions
Maximum Marks
Medium of Exam
Professional Knowledge
English & Hindi
45 min
II. Penalty for Wrong Answers (Applicable to both – Online Preliminary and Online Main examinations)
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Looking to crack IBPS SO 2020-21? Start preparation with IBT's IBPS SO Study material now!

IBPS SO exam will be conducted in two phases i.e Preliminary and Mains. Where Professional knowledge is the important section in IBPS SO Mains exam. If you are appearing for IBPS SO exam for Agriculture officer scale-1 post, then you are at the right place. Check the IBPS SO Syllabus for Agriculture.
IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Prelims Exam Syllabus 2020-21
Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
English Language
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Alphanumeric Series
Profit & Loss
Cloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
Mixtures &Alligations
Para jumbles
Data Sufficiency
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
Coded Inequalities
Work & Time
Fill in the blanks
Seating Arrangement
Time & Distance
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Paragraph Completion
Data Interpretation
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood Relations
Number Systems
Sequence & Series
Permutation, Combination &Probability
IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Mains Exam Syllabus 2020-21
Apart from these subjects, candidates are required to have Professional Knowledge in his/her area of expertise as well. The detailed syllabus is discussed below:
You need to score really well in a Professional Knowledge to chase final cutoff marks and for that to happen, you need to have a clear idea of the syllabus. With an objective to ensure that persons recruited as HR officers possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of the HR department. Through below-mentioned syllabus will help you to understand the roles and responsibilities of the HR manager and the meaning of key terms in HR. Here, we are providing detailed syllabus and some important theories of Human Resource Management as follows:
Important Chapters:
1. Human Resource Management: Introduction, staffing, manpower planning, performance appraisal, wage and salary administration.
2. Human Resource Development:
Strategies and Systems:
Human resource development process. Training
Coaching Mentoring Counseling
Career planning and development Aligning strategy with HRD activities Assessment Techniques
Tools like In-Basket Exercises Critical Incidence Technique Types of Interviews
Performance Management System Balance Scorecard
Career Development.
3. Human Resource Information System:
Human Resource Management-Systems Approach, Strategic Role of Information in HRM Information Technology-Concepts & Issues
HRIS Implementation and Control Designing an HRIS Department Compensation and Benefits Management Training and Development
HR Planning and Analysis.
4. Transactional Analysis- Understanding TA- life stages- father, child and adult, different types of transactions, use of TA for improving behavior.
5. Recruitment & Selection- Understanding the staffing process, recruitment- internal and external sources, advantages and disadvantages, selection process, interview process, probation, internal mobility.
6. Training and Development- Key training issues, training need analysis, clarifying the objectives of training, designing effective training programmers’, implementing training. Training methodology, conducting training, trainer behavior, evaluation of training, Models of measuring Training Effectiveness.
7. Rewards & Recognition-
Types of reward
Monetary and non-monetary Performance reward
Incentives, - individual, group and organization based incentives
8. Performance Management and Appraisal:
- Goals and objectives Planning performance
- Self-appraisal performance analysis Performance rating techniques
- Self-appraisal performance analysis Performance rating techniques
- Using performance management data for HR decisions Types in Performance Management System
9. Management of Compensations and Benefits:
- Wages and salary concepts Factors affecting wages and salary Legislative measures
- Job evaluation
- Components of compensation Linking rewards with performance Indirect or fringe benefits.
10. Mobility of Personnel and Retirement
Transfers Promotion Demotion
11. Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
- Basic Concepts of Strategic Management
- Strategy Formulation- Situation Analysis and Business Strategy
- Strategy Implementation and Control- Strategy Implementation: Organizing for Action, Strategy Implementation: Staffing and Directing, Evaluation and Control
- Other Strategic Issues- Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation,
- Strategic Issues in Entrepreneurial Ventures and Small Businesses, Strategic Issues in Not-For-Profit Organizations. HR Scorecard,
- HR Audit,
- HR issues in Merger and Acquisition.
12. Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness:
The concept of EI, theories.
13. Managing change and organizational effectiveness:
Understand the dynamics of change, reasons for a change, diagnosis for change
resistance to change agents
forms of interventions models of change
Implementing change in organizations.
14. Management Process and Organizational Behavior:
Values and Personality Attitudes and job satisfaction
Perception and individual decision making Motivation in the Workplace
15. Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes:
Foundations of Group understanding work teams Communication
Stress Management
Decision Making and Creativity Power and politics
Conflict and negotiation.
16. Collective Bargaining and Negotiation process: Nature, Conditions for successful bargaining, Advantages and current trends in bargaining, Issues for concerns for employers, negotiation objectives, negotiation process-reactions, discussions, and style, Theories of Collective Bargaining.
17. Conflict Management - definition, intervention process, sources, reasons and different levels of Conflicts.
18. Grievance Management: Concept of Grievance, Causes of Grievance, Need for a Grievance Redressal Procedure, Steps in a Grievance Redressal Procedure, Legislative Aspects of the Grievance, Redressal Procedure in India.
19. Industrial Relations & Trade Unions: Nature, concept, models, and theories of IR, Collective
bargaining, industrial disputes, workers participation management, employee discipline, grievance handling, trade unionism, development of unionism, structure, and types of unions, trade unions act, issue of registration and recognition, problems of unions in a liberalized economy.
1. Factories act, 1948
The Inspecting Staff Health
Hazardous Processes Welfare
Working Hours of Adults Holidays
Employment of Young Person Employment of Women Annual Leave with Wages Penalties and Procedure
2. The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
Defenses available to Employers Before Passing of the Act The Fatal Accidents Act, 1855
The Employers Liability Act of 1938
Rules Regarding Workmen’s compensation Amount of Compensation
Distribution of Compensation
3. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
Applicability of the Act Administration of the scheme Standing Committee
Medical Benefit Council Officer and Staff
Director-General and Financial Commissioner Inspector
4. Benefits
Sickness Maternity Disablement Dependants Medical Funeral
5. Adjudication of Disputes and Claims
6. The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952
7. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Meaning of Gratuity Payment of Gratuity Forfeiture of Gratuity Nomination Recovery of Gratuity Inspectors
Penalties and Offences
8. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
Scope and Coverage of the act Definition
Maternity Benefits Inspectors
9. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
10. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
11. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Conciliation Machinery Works Committees Conciliation officer Boards of Conciliation Strikes and Lock-outs Lay-off
Transfer and Closing Down of undertakings
12. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
13. Other Important Points
Principles of management
Leadership styles HR Planning
Job analysis (Procedures, Methods, and techniques) Job design (Meaning and techniques)
Recruitment and selection (Procedure, Process, and barriers) Interview (Types of tests, Types of interviews and limitations) Placement (Induction, procedure, and benefits)
Training and development (Types and methods) Performance appraisal (Process, uses, and techniques) Promotion, transfer and demotions (Types, policies Job evaluation (Pre-requites, principles, and process)
Compensation (Theories of wages, compensation administration and criteria to develop compensation plan) Motivation (Theories, Importance, Factors impacting)
Important theories of HR:
1. 14 Principle of Management by Fayol
2. 360 Degree Feedback
3. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
4. Collective Bargaining
5. Downsizing
6. Expectancy Theory by Vroom
7. Hagberg Theory
8. Hierarchical Organization Structure
9. Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow
10. Johari Windowby Luft Ingham
11. Management by Objective by Drucker
12. Theory X Theory Y McGregor
13. Two Factory theory by Herzberg
14. Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing by Lewin
IBPS SO Pre-Exam Training
The Nodal Banks/ Participating Organizations may organize pre-examination training for SC/ST/Religious Minority Community candidates at certain centres as per the strategy issued by the Government of India. This is a kind of training session where candidates are acquainted with the type of questions, common mistakes, and tips for time management, best practices, basic tricks and approaches by experts from training organizations. The purpose is to give a level playing field to students from weaker sections that can’t afford coaching and make them aware about general facet and recruitment procedure of the exam.
Candidates belonging to the above-mentioned categories can undergo training by signifying the same against a relevant column, at the time of applying on-line.
The pre-exam training is free of cost with other expenses like travel, food and lodging expenses are incurred by the candidate. Generally, it is conducted five days before the exam and the dates are announced on the official website. Please find below an indicative list of training centres:
North India
South India
East India
West India
Behrampur (Ganjam)
Panaji (Goa)
Port Blair
New Delhi
IBPS will have some additional centres or remove some depending on the requirement. The Candidates who opt for pre-examination training should download their call letter for training by entering their registration number and password/ date of birth from the Bank's website. Pre-Exam training call letter will not be sent by post.
The category wise application fees for IBPS SO exam are given below. Fee/Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. The application fee must be paid online. To know more please check the complete guide for IBPS SO Application
Application Fees for IBPS SO Exam category wise is given below:
S.No. |
Category |
Total |
1. |
175/- (Intimation Charges only) |
2. |
General and OBC |
850/- (App. Fee including intimation charges) |
The exam is conducted in three stages – Prelims, Mains, and Personal Interview (PI). The IBPS Specialist officer syllabus for the Main exam is different for different posts. Those candidates successfully qualified in the written exam which is an Objective type paper they are called for an interview.
IBPS SO 2020-21 Interview Process
Candidates who qualify the Mains Exam will be finally called for the Interview Process by IBPS. It is really important for candidates to perform well in the Interview, as the final selection of a candidate is based on how he/she perform in this final round of the IBPS SO Recruitment Process.