Life Insurance Corporation will notify LIC ADO 2021 Recruitment notice offering an opportunity to the graduates to apply for a Government job by qualifying LIC ADO 2021 Exam. The online registration form for LIC ADO 2021 will be started with the release of notification.
LIC is the largest Insurance Company with its turnover in millions every year with its Insurance and Investment schemes. It has a number of departments with numerous workers working all over India. LIC is playing an incredible role in the Economy of the country by giving revenue support and business.
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has notified LIC ADO 2021 Recruitment and invited online application for Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) who will be working under various Divisional Officers of LIC.
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LIC will be announced a total of expected 8000+ vacancies to be filled through LIC for the LIC ADO 2020 Exam. The recruitment Notification will be released soon. Below is given the bifurcation of expected vacancies ZONE – WISE :
LIC ADO Recruitment 2020- Zone-wise Vacancy Break-Up
S. No.
Zone Name
Number of Vacancies
Central Zonal Office, Bhopal
Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata
East Central Zonal Office, Patna
Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi
North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur
Southern Zonal Office, Chennai
South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad
Western Zonal Office, Mumbai
The recruitment process of LIC ADO 2020 will start with the online registration w.e.f May 2020 followed by the Online Preliminary exam which will be conducted in the month of July 2020 and the Mains exam of the same will be conducted in the month of August 2020. Some of the important dates that every aspirant must know for LIC ADO 2020 Exam is given below:
Stages Of Recruitment Process
Commencement of on-line registration of application
May 2020
Closure of registration of Application
June 2020
Download of Call Letter for Online Preliminary Examination
July 2020
LIC ADO Exam Date – Preliminary
August 2020
Candidates who will be selected as LIC ADO will be given a fixed stipend per month during the apprentice period of Rs. 34,503 per month according to the rules laid down by LIC of India.
Once the apprentice period is over Probation period will commence. In that period they will be given all allowances such as Home Rent Allowances, City Compensatory Allowances as per the location or city allotted to them, Gratuity, Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Insurance, Group Personal Accident Insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler), reimbursement towards cost of Brief Case/leather bag, mobile handset, supply of dailies according to the rules and after confirmation candidate will be entitled for attractive performance based Incentives. Thus the take home salary after all the perks and allowance will be 37,345/- in a A class city.
- Nationality: An aspirant must be a citizen of India
- LIC ADO Age Limit: The age of an aspirant must not be less than 21 years and must not exceed 30 years.
- Experience: The detailed Experience required for diverse posts offered through ADO is given below:
Category |
For Recruitment in Urban Area |
For Recruitment in Rural Area |
Employee Category |
Not less than 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post |
Not less than 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post |
Agents Category |
Not less than 5 years as an agent or other than agent (such as DSE/FSE) and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than 5,00,000/- during the immediately preceding 5 financial years and a net First Year Premium Income of not less than 1,00,000/- on 50 lives in each of any 3 of these financial years |
Not less than 4 years as an agent or other than agent(such as DSE/FSE) and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than 1,00,000/- on 50 lives per year in any 3 of the immediately preceding 4 financial years |
Other |
Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry. |
Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry |
Age relaxation for LIC ADO Post
Age Limit (in Years)
35 years
33 years
LIC Employee who is not a member of a SC or a ST or OBCs
42 years
LIC Employee who is a member of OBCs (other than those in the creamy layer)
45 years
LIC Employee who is a member of a SC or ST
47 years
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) who is not a member of SC or ST or OBCs
40 years
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE)who is a member of OBCs (Other than those in the creamy layer)
43 years
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) who is a member of a SC or a ST
45 years
30, increased by the number of years of service in the armed forces subject to maximum age of 45 years where he is a member of OBCs and, 47 years where he is a member of SC or ST and, Maximum of 42 years in other than SC, ST, OBC cases
All Others
30 Years
LIC ADO 2020 will be held in three phases:
- Prelims Exam
- Mains Exam
- Interview Process
The detailed exam pattern for different posts offered through LIC ADO 2020 exam is given below:
LIC ADO Prelims Exam
No. Of Questions/Maximum Marks
Time Duration
Reasoning Ability
20 Minutes
Numerical Ability
20 Minutes
20 Minutes
60 Minutes or 1 Hour
English Language test is of qualifying nature and the marks in English Language will not be added up for ranking.
LIC ADO Mains Exam
No. of Questions/Maximum Marks
Time Duration
Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability
Composite time of 120 minutes
General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with special emphasis on grammar and vocabulary
Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector
For Employee Category
No. of Questions/Maximum Marks
Time Duration
Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability
Composite time of 120 minutes
General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language
Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing
For Agents Category
No. of Questions/Maximum Marks
Time Duration
Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability
Composite time of 120 minutes
General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language
Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing
Topics to be covered
Reasoning Ability
Puzzles, Seating Arrangements, Direction Sense, Blood Relation, Syllogism, Order and Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-Output, Inequalities, Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series, Data Sufficiency
Quantitative Aptitude
Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet, Pie Chart), Inequalities (Quadratic Equations), Number Series, Approximation and Simplification, Data Sufficiency, Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains.
English Language
Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Fillers, Sentence Errors, Vocabulary based questions, Sentence Improvement, Jumbled Paragraph, Word Usage, Phrase/Connectors, Paragraph related question (Para connectors, para completion, para restatement, paragraph inference, para fillers).
Syllabus of LIC ADO 2020 EXAM for Mains Exam
Topics to be covered
Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
Puzzle, Direction sense, Syllogism, Sitting Arrangement, Input-Output, Blood Relation, Data Sufficiency, Coding-Decoding, Inequalities, Logical Reasoning((Passage Inference, Statement and Assumption, Statement & Conclusion, Argument, and Cause & Effect).
Simplification & Approximation, Number Series, Inequality (Quadratic & Quantity based), Ratio & Proportion, Partnership, Percentage, Mixtures & Allegations, Average & ages, Time and Work, Pipe and Cistern, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Time & Distance, Boat & stream, Permutation, Combination &Probability, Mensuration (2D&3D), Data Interpretation ( Bar, line, pie, mixed, missing, arithmetic, caselet ), Data Sufficiency.
Financial Awareness
Indian Financial Market, Capital markets and the government, Money Market, stock markets and bond markets, The role of money markets in the financial system, Derivatives markets and private investing, The study of the foreign exchange interbank market, Primary markets and secondary markets, Mutual Funds, Insurance Industry, Insurance Industry, Regulatory Agencies, Special Statutes for Certain Financial Intermediaries, Establishment of FSDC, Financial Stability and Development Council, International Financial Organization
Insurance Market Awareness
Introduction of Insurance, History of Life Insurance, History of General Insurance, Know About IRDAI, Types of Insurance, : Indian Insurance Market, ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan, Public Sector Insurance Companies, Private Sector Insurance Companies, Glossary of Insurance Terms, Abbreviations related to Insurance Industry, Employment State Insurance Scheme (ESIS), Schemes Related to Insurance (PMFBY, PMJJBY, PMSBY etc.), Other Important Topics Related to Insurance Awareness, Insurance Current Affairs, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, Current insurance schemes.
There is no Pre-exam training given to the LIC ADO aspirants of any category or so.
Marks scored in the Main Examination only will be measured to shortlist for interview and marks scored in Main Examination + marks obtained in Interview will be considered for final merit listing of candidates. Maximum Interview marks are 37.
Applicants who belong to UR/OBC category need to pay an application fee of Rs. 600/-. Those who belong to SC/ST/PwD category need to pay an application fee of Rs. 50/-.
You are being informed that the LIC has released the Admit Cards for the post of ADO for Prelims Exam . All the candidates who have successfully filled the application forms are now eligible to download their admit cards from the link mentioned below.
Steps to Download Your LIC ADO Prelims Call Letter
1. Enter your “Registration Number” and “Date of Birth.”
2. Enter the “Captcha Code.”
3. Click on the “Submit” button.
4. Your LIC ADO Prelims Admit Card will appear, you can then download it and also take a print out of the admit card.

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has released the LIC ADO Result for preliminary exam which was conducted on 6th July 2019. Team IBT congratulate all the Selected Students for LIC ADO Mains. The official link for LIC ADO Result for Prelims exam has been mentioned below.
Step to check the LIC ADO 2020 Result
1) Click on the link given below
2) You can also visit the official site
3) Click on the result link of the state from which you have applied
4) Press ctrl+F and search your name
LIC has invited online application for LIC ADO Recruitment to appoint LIC Apprentice Development Officer (ADO). Those who are going to appear LIC ADO exam can go through the cut off marks of the previous year to have an idea about the various aspects of the exam and understand the difficulty level.
Cut off helps a candidate to have the right idea before preparing for the exam so that he or she can prepare towards the targeted score to outsmart the merit score of the previous year. It also gives the vacancy status of previous year to that of the current year.
Cut Off Marks: LIC ADO 2018
LIC conducts exam in three phases PAPER I, II AND III. An aspirant needs to qualify all the three papers besides sectional cut off adopted by LIC. OVERALL CUT OFF WILL BE DECIDED BY THE EXAMINING AUTHORITIES OF LIC. Aspirants need to qualify both merit and cut off.
LIC ADO 2018 Cut-off for online test
Category of candidates
Cut-off marks
Cut-off for LIC ADO 2018 Interview
Category of candidates
Cut-off marks for Interview
Final Cut-Off
Category of candidates
Final Cut-Off for LIC ADO
Recently LIC has notified the post of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) with 8581 vacancies in all the eight zones of India. Those who could not perform well in the previous year exam it is a golden opportunity for them. Besides that there are some frequently asked questions by the candidates regarding the LIC ADO EXAM which can be enumerated as given below:
Q1. Name of the posts available under LIC ADO Notification?
Ans1. The posts available under LIC ADO Notification is Apprentice Development Officer ( ADO). It is classified into three categories such as Agents Category, Employees Category and Open Market Category. These Officers will be engaged for Urban as well as Rural Areas. The successful candidates need to work in those areas.
‘Agents Category' – Candidates appointed or engaged by the LIC under this category will be for the purpose to solicit or procure insurance business as well as business related to the continuation, renewal or revival of LIC Policies.
‘Employee Category’ – Candidates of this category would be appointed on full-time salary under Class III.
‘Others Category’ – Candidates under this category will be entitled for open market business.
Q2. What is the Job Profile of LIC ADO?
Ans2. It is primarily a sales supervision job. The selected candidates will be required to sponsor suitable persons to be appointed as Life Insurance Agents, train them properly, and help the recruited agents to sell life insurance to maximum number of persons.
Q3. What is the age limit for LIC ADO?
Ans3. The age Limit for LIC ADO is 21–30 years.
Q4. What is the minimum educational qualification for LIC ADO?
Ans4. A candidate must have Graduation Degree from a recognized Indian University/Institution.
Q5. What is the Application Fee?
- Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
- Rs. 600 /- for all others.
Q6. What are the modes of payment?
Ans6. The payment needs to be made online by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
Q7. Is the application Fee / Intimation Charges refundable?
Ans7. Applicable Fee is Non Refundable and has to be paid online.
Q8. Will there be an interview after the written result?
Ans8. Yes, applicants qualifying in the Mains Examination and securing a sufficiently high rank in merit shall be short-listed for interview.
Q9. I am in my last year of graduation. Can I apply for LIC ADO Recruitment?
Ans9. No, Candidates waiting for final results of prescribed educational qualifications should not apply.
Q10. Will the exam be conducted online or offline (OMR Based)?
Ans10. Common Written Exam for LIC ADO will be conducted online (Both Prelims and Mains).
Q11. Is there any Negative Marking in LIC ADO 2020?
Ans11. There will be no penalty for wrong answers. However, candidates are advised not to mark answers through random guessing.
Q12. Is LIC ADO a permanent job?
Ans12. Yes, after the completion of the training period, the candidates are appointed as Development Officers and the corporation may put some candidates on probation of one year which can be extended up to two years. After that candidates become permanent.
Q13. I am a B.Tech graduate. Am I eligible to LIC ADO post?
Ans13. The official notification states that the candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree and the result must have been declared on or before a specified date. B.Tech. is equivalent to Bachelor’s degree so you are eligible to apply for the exam.
Q14. Will any salary/stipend be given during the apprentice period?
Ans14. Yes, the candidates selected from the other than the ‘Employee’ category will be given ? 34,503/- per month as stipend.
Q15. Will there be a probation period?
Ans15. Yes, there will be a probation period of one year which can be extended up to two years.
Q16. Is the application fee refundable?
Ans16. No, the application fee is non-refundable.
Q17. Are there any provisions for EWS?
Ans17. Yes, there are provisions for EWS and separate vacancies are mentioned for EWS quota. The candidates should refer to LIC ADO 2019 official notifications for more details.
Q18. When will registration for LIC ADO 2020 exam start?
Ans18. The registration for LIC ADO 2020 exam will begin from May 2020.
Q19. What is the selection procedure or exam pattern for LIC ADO 2020 exam?
Ans19. The selection process or exam pattern for LIC ADO 2020 exam is different for all the 3 streams.