Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (PSPCL) is a power generating and distributing company of the Punjab Government. Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) had earlier released a public notice on 20th February 2021. The official notification released on 22nd May 2021 by Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. on its official website. Aspirants can fill online applications for various posts of PSPCL till 28th July 2021. There are around 2632 vacancies for various posts such as Clerk, Revenue Accountant, Junior Engineer/Electrical, Assistant Lineman, and Assistant Sub Station Attendant. Eligible candidates are recommended to keep a close check on the official website of PSPCL for the online procedure and other updates on PSPCL recruitment 2021. The aspirants will be selected on the basis of a merit list prepared on the basis of the exam conducted and marks scored in it.
The Online Registrations for the PSPCL exam are from June 11th,2021 to July 28th,2021. Those candidates who are interested can apply online from the link given below:
Click here to apply online
The important details concerning PSPCL recruitment 2021 notification such as vacancy, eligibility criteria, important dates, application fee, application form, etc. as per the official notification of PSPCL.Candidates can download the official notification from the link given below:
Click here to Download the Official Notification

PSPCL Exam Dates
Candidates have to visit the official website of PSPCL as this exam can be applied online only. The important dates for online application are mentioned below :
PSPCL Online Registration of Application
June 11th, 2021
Closing Date of Online Registration
July 28th, 2021
Closing Date of Payment of Fee
July 28th, 2021
Every year more than 50000+ aspirants appear for the PSPCL examination. The Online Registration for PSPCL will be started expectedly in the month of June 2021. PSPCL has introduced 2632 vacancies for Junior Engineer/Electrical, Assistant Lineman, Clerk, Assistant Sub-Station attendant, Revenue Accountant.
Name of Post
No. of Vacancies( Expected)
Assistant Lineman
Assistant Sub-Station attendant
Junior Engineer/Electrical
Revenue Accountant
Total No.of Posts
Note: The detailed Advertisement along with Category wise breakup, eligibility criteria, pay scale, selection criteria, and other terms & conditions released on the PSPCL website (www.pspcl.in). Candidates are advised to check the PSPCL official notification given above.

The eligibility criteria for the posts are given below :
PSPCL has released vacancies for various posts and every post has different education eligibility described hereunder:
Post Name
Lower Division Clerk
Bachelor’s Degree. Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands-on experience in the use of Computer
Possesses a Computer Information Technology Course equivalent to 'O' level certificate of Courses DOEACC of Govt. of India
Junior Engineer/ Electrical
Full-Time Regular 3/4 years Diploma in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/ IT Engg with minimum 60% marks
Full Time Regular BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc Engineering in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/
IT Engg. with a minimum of 50 %.
AMIE in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/IT Engg. with at least 50% marks from the Institution of Engineers(India) Calcutta
Revenue Accountant
Full-time regular B.Com with minimum 60% Marks or M.COM with Minimum 50% or CA Inter/ ICWAI Inter.
Assistant Lineman
The Candidates must have Bachelor's degree in any subject with computer & shorthand knowledge
Assistant Sub Station Attendant
The Candidates can know the qualification details through the Official Notification
Candidates should have a valid Mark-sheet / Degree :
A certificate that supports that they are graduates on the day they were registered for the exam.
The percentage of marks obtained should be mentioned at the time of registration for the PSPCL examination.
Computer Literacy :
a) Knowledge of computer operation is a must as the PSPCL exam is conducted online.
b) Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands-on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in Office productivity application or Desktop Publishing application from a Govt. recognized institution or a reputed institution, which is ISO 9001 certified.
c) Possesses a Computer Information Technology Course equivalent to 'O' level certificate of Department of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) of Govt. of India.
Language Proficiency: Qualification of Punjabi is essential for both posts: - For this purpose, all the candidates must have passed Punjabi of at least Matriculation or its equivalent level up to the date of document checking.
Note: Relaxable for Sikh Migrants up to the extent that they will have to acquire such qualification within two years after joining the service failing which their services shall be liable to the termination.
An aspirant should be between 18-37 years of age. PSPCL notification also mentions the age relaxation given to various categories and groups explained below :
Age Relaxation
Age Relaxation
SC and Backward class
5 years over & above the normal recruitment age
Ex-Serviceman (Self)
Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
Physically Handicapped
10 years over and above the normal recruitment age.
40 years
Wives of the serving military personnel and wives of those who are disabled while in Military service
40 years
Women whose husbands have been ordered by Civil or Criminal courts to pay maintenance to them
40 years
PSPCL examination has three phases: Computer aptitude Test, Written Exam, and Personal Interview. Candidates will be awarded 1 mark for every correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. The PSPCL syllabus for the given posts is expected. It will be updated only with the release of notification. Every post of PSPCL has a different exam pattern discussed below :
Junior Engineer/Electrical, Sub-Station Attendant
Name of Tests(Objective)
No.of Questions
Maximum Marks
Questions related to the concerned discipline of the post applied
Composite time of 2 Hour
General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability
General English
Assistant Lineman
Name of Tests(Objective)
No.of Questions
Maximum Marks
Static + Current affairs, General Knowledge
Composite time of 2 Hour
Basic Computer Knowledge
Logical Reasoning
Numerical Aptitude
General English
Name of Tests(Objective)
No.of Questions
Maximum Marks
Questions related to the concerned discipline of the post applied
Composite time of 2 Hour
General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability
General English
Revenue Accountant
Name of Tests(Objective)
No.of Questions
Maximum Marks
Questions related to the concerned discipline of the post applied
Composite time of 2 Hour
General Knowledge
Reasoning Ability
General English
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The PSPCL syllabus for the given posts is expected. It will be updated only with the release of notification.
Assistant Lineman
Name of the Section
Topics of the Section
Reasoning Ability
Blood Relation, Distance, Sitting Puzzle, Coding, Series, Analogy
Quantitative Aptitude
Ratio, Time, Train, Distance (Most Imp.), Number Systems, Simplification, Profit & Loss, HCF, Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
English Language
Choose Correct Determiner, Narration, Misspelt, Active-Passive, Idioms, One-word Substitution, Mark Correct Sentence, Synonyms & Antonyms, Translation, Fillers, Modal Fillers, Change the Tense
General Awareness
Book And Author, Headquarter, Important Days, Prime Minister Scheme, Current Affairs, GK Updates, Currencies, Important Places, Banking Awareness, Awards
Name of the Section
Topics of the Section
General Engineering (Electrical)
DC Circuit, Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws, Series and parallel combination of resistors, Electro Magnetics, Electro-Magnetic Induction, AC Circuits, Network theorems, Electrical Circuits and Systems, Classification of Materials, Active and Passive Components, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, Single-phase Induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics, Basic Electrical Engineering, AC Fundamentals, Transformers, AC and DC Machines, Semiconductor Diode, Transistor, Power Supplies, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Basic Electromagnetic Law, Measuring Instruments, DC Machines, Transformers, Induction Machines, Synchronous Machines, Electronics and Electrical Technology, Basic Concepts, AC Fundamentals, Electrical Machines Etc
General Intelligence
Logical Reasoning, Alphanumeric Series, Tabulation, Syllogism, Blood Relations, Input-Output, Coding-Decoding Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test, Data Sufficiency, Coded Inequalities, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle
English Language
Fill in the blanks, Miscellaneous, Paragraph Completion Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para jumbles, Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
General Awareness
Sports, Punjab Current Updates, National & International News, Awards, Person in News Indian History, Indian Polity, Geography, Economy Current Affairs
Revenue Accountant
Name of the section
Topics of the section
Degree level finance and accounts
General Principles & Rules, Accountancy its Scope, Book Keeping & Accountancy, Auditing, General Accounting Principles, Industrial Relations, Labour Laws, Financial Accounting, Cash Transactions, and their record, Cost Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Taxation Law and Practice, Computer Application in Accounting, Management Accounting, Income Tax, Theory and Practice of Auditing, Purchase Regulations, General System of Accounts & Financial Control, Cash Transactions and their record.
Geography, Economy Current Affairs, Punjab History, Awards, Person in News, Punjab Polity, Sports, Punjab Current Updates, National & International News
Logical Reasoning/ Quants
Ratio and Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Data Interpretation, Problems on Trains, Time and Distance, Profit and Loss, C.F. and L.C.M., Number Systems, Problems on Ages, Time and Work, Mixture and Allegation, Discounts, Boats, and Streams, Direction Sense, Clock, Number Series, Coding-Decoding, Word Building, Seating Arrangements, Calendar, Blood Relation, Non-Verbal Series, Statement Conclusion, Arithmetic Reasoning, Figure Classification
General English
Fill in the blanks, Vocabulary, Word formation, Synonyms, Error correction, Prepositions, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Comprehension, Sentence Translation, Rearrangement
The registration for PSPCL 2021 will be done online. Candidates can apply till June 30th,2021. In order to avoid any technical errors please make sure that the web browser used to fill up the PSPCL 2021 Application form is one of the following :
Internet Explorer 8 and above
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and above
Google Chrome 3.0 and above
Candidates applying online must have the following pre-requisites :
A valid Email Id
Photograph and Signature scanned in the prescribed size
Application Fee must be paid online so all document required for online transaction
The PSPCL 2021 application form can only be filled on the official website.
Before proceeding with the registration and application process, all candidates are requested to go through the complete guide for the PSPCL Online Application
Click here to apply online
The category-wise application fees for the PSPCL exam are given below. Fee/Intimation charges once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can they be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. The application fee must be paid online. To know more please check the complete guide for PSPCL Application
Sr. No.
All Categories except SC and Person with Disability
Rs.944 (bank charges if applicable)
SC Category & Person with Disability
Rs.590 (bank charges if applicable)
Candidates must prepare in a systematic manner for the PSPCL exam. The candidates should be aware of the latest syllabus and exam pattern. The syllabus covers various topics, it is important to choose the right study material so that you can understand the concepts and practices a wide variety of questions as well.
New pattern questions are simply the application of concepts in a new form. You just need to practice them a lot so that you don't face issues in PSPCL.
Candidates must go through the previous year's PSPCL questions so that they have an idea of what to expect in PSPCL 2021.

The salary structure for different posts of PSPCL :
Junior Engineer/Electrical, Sub Station Attendant (SSA)
6400-20200+Rs.3700 Grade pay
6400-20200+Rs.3400 Grade pay
The PSPCL is held online at various centers all over Punjab and the candidates can mention their options at the time of filling in the online application. Though there is non-availability of seats at preferred venues yet PSPCL allots an exam center other than the choices made by a candidate.
PSPCL is the only authority to add or remove an exam center. The candidates can’t make any request for a change in the exam center. Any indecent behavior at the examination center can lead to the cancellation of the application.
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) will release a call letter for attending the exam for the posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Jr Engineer & Other. The Dates for the Online Examination will be notified as soon as the notification is issued.
How to download PSPCL Admit Card
Candidates can download the PSPCL admit card from the official website PSPCL because the hard copy of the PSPCL Admit Card will not be sent to the candidate via post. To login on to the official website, the candidates will require the following :
The results of PSPCL will be released after completion of the Examination. The Final Merit state-wise and the category-wise list shall be prepared in descending order of the marks secured by the candidates in the Online Examination.
Ques 1. May I know the full form of PSPCL?
Ans. PSPCL stands for Punjab State Power Corporation Limited.
Ques 2. Is PSPCL Exam conducted online or offline?
Ans. PSPCL exam is a computer-based exam i.e it is conducted online.
Ques 3. May I know the age limit to appear in PSPCL 2021 exam?
Ans. Candidates with a minimum age limit of 18 years and a maximum age limit of 37 years can appear in PSPCL 2021 Exam.
Ques 4. When is the PSPCL 2021 Exam going to be held?
Ans. The tentative date for the official notification of the PSPCL 2021 Exam is released on May 22nd 2021. The exam dates for the PSPCL 2021 Exam are to be notified soon.
Ques 5. May I know the name of the posts for which the PSPCL 2021 Exam will be held?
Ans. The name of posts for which the exam is usually conducted is given below :
1. Clerk
2. Revenue Accountant
3. Junior Engineer/Electrical
4. Assistant Lineman
5. Assistant Sub Station attendant
Ques 6. What is the latest exam pattern for PSPCL 2021 Exam?
Ans. The latest exam pattern for PSPCL Exam 2021 exam can be procured from the official notification once it is released. Every post carries a different exam pattern therefore candidates should go through the website carefully while looking for the relevant exam pattern for the post they have applied for.
Ques 7. Does the PSPCL exam have any age relaxation for the reserved candidates for the exam?
Ans. Yes, the PSPCL exam has age relaxation for the reserved candidates for the exam, it is as follows :
Category-wise age relaxation Category :
1. For SC and Backward class the age relaxation is 5 years over & above the normal recruitment age.
2. For Ex-Serviceman (Self) the age relaxation is that Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
3. For Physically Handicapped the age relaxation is 10 years over and above the normal recruitment age.
4. For Widows the age relaxation is 40 years.
5. For Wives of the serving military personnel and wives of those who are disabled while in Military service the age relaxation is 40 years.
6. For Women whose husbands have been ordered by Civil or Criminal courts to pay maintenance to them the age relaxation is 40 years.
Ques 8. What is the latest exam pattern for PSPCL 2021 Exam?
Ans. The latest exam pattern for PSPCL Exam 2021 exam can be procured from the official notification once it is released. Every post carries a different exam pattern therefore candidates should go through the website carefully while looking for the relevant exam pattern for the post they have applied for.
Ques 9. What is the application fee for the exam?
Ans. The application for all categories except SC and Person with Disability is Rs. 944 (bank Charges if applicable) for SC Category and Person with Disability it will be charged as Rs. 590 (bank Charges if applicable).
Ques 10. Is there any negative marking in the exam?
Ans. Yes, PSPCL follows negative markings in the exam. Every mistake is penalized by deducting 0.25 of the marks allotted to the particular question but there will be no penalty for not attempting the question.
Ques 11. Will PSPCL Exam have sectional timings?
Ans. No there are no sectional timings owed in PSPCL Exam.
Ques 12. Does PSPCL have an interview session or not?
Ans. No there is no interview session held for the final selection rather they conduct document verification after the objective test is qualified by the aspirant.
Ques 13. Is the PSPCL exam Bilingual?
Ans. All tests conducted by PSPCL are bilingual, i.e. available in both English and Punjabi.
Ques 14. Is there a Negative Marking?
Ans. For every wrong answer, there is a negative marking in the objective tests of PSPCL 2021. One-fourth of the total marks allotted for that question will be deducted for marking a wrong answer.
Ques 15. Can, I appear for PSPCL LDC as well as PSPCL JE?
Ans. Yes, you can apply for both PSPCL LDC and PSPCL JE at the same time.