Staff Selection Commission or SSC has been one of the most advantageous organizations to undertake Government exams in India. Every year more than thousands of candidates are shortlisted by SSC to be employed in Government departments. As we know Govt. jobs are the most wanted as a career option in India and the government of India has a special focus on providing better facilities and services in every phase of the countrymen. With the advent of the development plans to give maximum opportunities to young candidates seeking jobs, the government is going to create many vacancies in the years to come.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) carries out the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL, 10+2) Exam to recruit persons at various posts like:
Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants(PA/SA)
Data Entry Operator (DEO)
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)
- Court Clerk
SSC CHSL 2020-21 Notification
Staff Selection Commission had released the 2020-21 recruitment notification for the post of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO) on its official website. Dates for the online application were from 6 Nov to 26 Dec 2020.
Click here to Check SSC CHSL 2020-21 Official Notification
Staff Selection Commission deactivated the online application link on its official portal.
Click here to Apply Online(link deactivated)
SSC CHSL 2020-21 Exam Dates
The schedule for the SSC CHSL 2020 exam is mentioned below. Kindly make a note of the important dates associated with the SSC CHSL Exam 2020 and complete the entire process in time.
SSC CHSL 2020-21 Exam Dates
SSC CHSL 2020-21 Notification
06 November 2020
Online Application Starts from
06 November 2020
Last date for Online Registration
26 December 2020
SSC CHSL Tier-1 Exam Date( for left-over candidates)
4th August to 12th August 2021
SSC CHSL Tier-1 Admit Card
April 2021
SSC CHSL Tier-2 Exam
To be notified later
Best Recommended SSC CHSL Test Series with Video Solution
Now Ensure Success in SSC CHSL 2021, if your target is SSC CHSL exam, then start practicing on SSC CHSL test series. Do not miss to practice on topic wise/Chapter wise and speed test to evaluate your performance, which helps you track and build your speed.
SSC CHSL 2021: Application Process
Candidates are supposed to apply online to register and appear for SSC CHSL 2020. Below are the steps that one needs to take for successful online registration for the exam:
Step 1: Click on the official link which is provided above on this page.
Step 2: Click on New User? Register Now Button. The registration link will open up in the new window.
Step 3: Click on New Registration in SSC CHSL 2021 application window and then click on the register button.
Step 4: To begin with the registration, candidates need to provide basic details like name, parents’ name, date of birth, email id, mobile number etc.
For more details on the Admit Card And Result, Check details here!

Step 5: Click on submit button to submit your online registration form of SSC CHSL 2021. It is advised that candidates verify their details before submitting the form. All the candidates will be issued Registration ID for SSC CHSL 2021 exam.
Candidates are required to login with the provided Registration ID, date of birth and password to complete registration for SSC CHSL 2021.
Step 6: In the next step, candidates would have to upload photograph and signature following the requisites mentioned by SSC.
Photograph - The photograph must be clicked in front of white colour or light coloured background and must be more than 4 kb in size and less than 12 kb. The photograph resolution must be 100*120 pixels in width and height.
Signature - The signature must be in black or blue ink on white sheet. The scanned copy of signature must be in jpg format and it should be more than 1 kb in size and less than 12 kb. The resolution should be 40*60 pixels in width and height.
Step 7: Login with registered ID and password to complete the Part-II of the application form of SSC CHSL 2020.
Step 8: After filling up the application form, candidates must preview the entire application form of SSC CHSL 2020 once to look for any glitches in the form.
Step 9: Click on Final Submit button after previewing the complete online SSC CHSL application form.
It is advised that Candidates download and get print copies of submitted application form of SSC CHSL 2020.